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Date Link Topics / Contents
Jul 2024 Update #47
[ pdf 0.5 MB]
The year in review, including updates on: Pinnacle biodiversity; Weed management; Molonglo watermain corridor revegetation; Weetangera paddock revegetation; Interpretive signage
Mar 2024 Update #46
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Interpretative Signage; Weed Management; Pinnacle Biodiversity;Upcoming events
Dec 2023 Update #45
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Spring Walks; Interpretative Signage; Molonglo Watermain Corridor Revegetation; PCS Annual Planning Meeting (2); Weed Management; Pinnacle Biodiversity; Other News
Aug 2023 Update #44
[ pdf 0.3 MB]
Spring Events Program; Environmental Volunteers Conference; Molonglo Watermain Corridor Revegetation; Interpretative Signage Progress; PCS Annual Planning Briefing; Kama Link Plantings; Weed Management
Jun 2023 Update #43
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Updates on a range of issues including weed management, the reserve’s flora and fauna, revegetation, interpretive signage as well as a summary of the excellent talk given by Dr Rosie Cooney, head of the new ACT Office of Nature Conservation, at our recent AGM, plus the results of the AGM
Apr 2023 Update #42
[ pdf 0.2 MB]
Interpretive Signage at The Pinnacle; Pipeline corridor revegetation; Weed Management; Weetangera Primary School Fete Report; Upcoming Events
Nov 2022 Update #41
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Pipeline corridor revegetation; Jamison Joint ParkCare Display; Guided Walks; Hawker College Tree Planting; Interpretive Signage at The Pinnacle; Other News
Aug 2022 Update #40
[ pdf 0.9 MB]
Pinnacle Events; Molonglo Watermain Revegetation; Meeting with the Ranger; Plant diversity on the Reserve; Weetangera Paddock Revegetation; New Pinnacle Brochure; fotpin Not-for-profit Status; Annual Briefing from PCS
Jun 2022 Update #39
[ pdf 0.5 MB]
Annual Report: Weed management; Pinnacle Events; PCS and ParkCare News; Molonglo Watermain Revegetation; Other Revegetation; Biodiversity on the Reserve; Kama Link Paddock; Grant Applications; Membership; AGM and SGM
Feb 2022 Update #38
[ pdf 0.5 MB]
January Storm Effects on the Reserve; New Benches at Dungowan St. Entrance; Wonderful Wildflower Season; Molonglo Watermain Revegetation; Weed management; Hawker Community Gardens; Upcoming Events
Nov 2021 Update #37
[ pdf 1.1 MB]
October bird walk; Vegwatch surveys; Molonglo waterman revegetation; Pinnacle Extension renamed; Weed management; Weetangera paddock revegetation; ParkCare news; New on the website
Aug 2021 Update #36
[ pdf 294 kB]
Molonglo 3 Watermain Corridor Revegetation; Upcoming events; Weetangera Paddock Revegetation Project; Collaboration with St Francis Xavier College; Top-up Planting in the Bottom Pinnacle; National Landcare Awards
May 2021 Update #35
AGM issue

[ pdf 345 kB]
AGM Edition: Molonglo 3 Watermain Corridor Revegetation; Weetangera Revegetation Project; Collaboration with St Francis Xavier College; Guided walks; Reserve Biodiversity; Pinnacle Extension; Coordinating Committee; Membership; AGM Report
Feb 2021 Update #34
[ pdf 390 kB]
Molonglo Watermain Revegetation; Vegwatch Monitoring Project; Pinnacle Extension Update; Gang Gangs at the Pinnacle; Upcoming events
Nov 2020 Update #33
[ pdf 533 kB]
Joint ParkCare Display at the Jamison Centre; Planning Meetings with PCS; Spring Events Program; Molonglo Watermain update; ParkCare and Politics
Aug 2020 Update #32
[ pdf 275 kB]
Friends of the Pinnacle turns 10; Molonglo watermain update; Track maintenance; Weetangera paddock revegetation; Meeting with Greens candidate Jo Clay; COG birdwalk; Upcoming events; ParkCare developments
May 2020 Update #31
[ pdf 442 kB]
Catastrophic summer, Covid-19 and drenching rain; Increased use of the Reserve; First ACT sighting of the Macleay's Grass Yellow butterfly species; Molonglo Watermain update; Weetangera Paddock Revegetation
Feb 2020 Update #30
[ pdf 690 kB]
Weetangera Primary School fete; Annual Planning Meeting with PCS; Watering Bee in Bottom Pinnacle; ACT Landcare Awards; Weetangera Paddock Revegetation; Upcoming Events
Nov 2019 Update #29
[ pdf 352 kB]
Joint ParkCare Display at the Jamison Centre; Spring Walks Program; Molonglo Watermain; 30 Years of ParkCare Celebrations; Weetangera Paddock Revegetation; New Fencing; Upcoming Events
Aug 2019 Update #28
[ pdf 226 kB]
Molonglo Watermain; Weed Control 2018-19; Upcoming Events; Weetangera Paddock Revegetation; Pinnacle Extension Update; Noticeboard Refurbishment; 30 Years of ParkCare Celebrations; Kangaroo Cull
Jun 2019 Update #27
[ pdf 148 kB]
A wrap-up of the last 10 months: Weed Control; Molonglo Watermain; Displays; Guided Walks; Clean-up Australia Day; May Planting Event; Vegwatch; Pinnacle Extension; Special and Annual General Meetings
Mar 2019 Update #26
[ pdf 261 kB]
Molonglo Water Main; ParkCare Convenors’ Meeting; Butterfly Walk; Clean Up Australia Day; Upcoming Events; Pinnacle Extension; Weed Control; 2019 AGM May 19th
Dec 2018 Update #25
[ pdf 160 kB]
Jamison Joint ParkCare Display; Spring Walks Program Wrap; Weetangera Primary School Fete; Vegwatch surveys; Meeting with Minister Gentleman; Proposed Planting for Autumn 2019
Sep 2018 Update #24
[ pdf 316 kB]
Annual Planning Meeting with PCS; ParkCare Coordinators’ Meeting; Themeda Rescue; Jamison Joint ParkCare Display; fotpin facebook page
Jul 2018 2018 Report
[ pdf 97 kB]
Convenor's Report to the 2018 AGM, summarising highlights from the previous 12 months.
May 2018 Update #23
[ pdf 208 kB]
Hawker Primary School Fete; Autumn walks; Kangaroo Count; Hazard Reduction Burn; Whitlam Pipeline; 2018 AGM; ParkCare Ranger
Mar 2018 Update #22
[ pdf 137 kB]
Weed Control; ParkCare Coordinators News; Butterfly Walk; Upcoming events; Autumn walk program
Nov 2017 Update #21
[ pdf 398 kB]
Whitlam Pipeline, ParkCare Display at Jamison Centre; Belconnen High School Interaction; Vegwatch Forum; Noticeboard; Butterflies at the Pinnacle; Spring Walks; Annual Planning Meeting; Aboriginal Heritage Walks; Weetangera Primary School Fete
Mar 2017 Update #20
[ pdf 948 kB]
Weed Control; ParkCare Coordinators’ News; Belconnen Hills Vegetation Plan; Pinnacle Extension; Upcoming Events
Jan 2017 Update #19
[ pdf 216 kB]
Spring Walks Program; Annual PCS Planning Meeting; Other Recent Events; Weed Control; Vegwatch; Grassland Slashing Trials; ParkCare Coordinators' News; Collaboration with Belconnen High School
Mar 2016 Update #18
[ pdf 994 kB]
Weed Control; Pinnacle Extension; Clean Up Australia Day; Upcoming Events
Dec 2015 Update #17
[ pdf 304 kB]
Spring Events Program; Other Events; Weed Control; Vegwatch Program (Biodiversity Monitoring); Future Planning
Jun 2015 Newsletter #7
Autumn Bird Walk Report - Elizabeth Smith and John Brannan
Plantings along the Valley Track - John Brannan, Alison Milton and Elizabeth Smith
fotpin’s Fifth Annual Kangaroo Count - Warren Bond and Elizabeth Smith
State of the Pinnacle Walk - Changes and Challenges - Warren Bond
Jun 2015 Update #16
[ pdf 63 kB]
Autumn Events wrap; Planting in the Central and Dam paddocks; 5th Kangaroo Count; Launch of Landcare ACT
Mar 2015 Update #15
[ pdf 148 kB]
Weed Control; Proposed addition to The Pinnacle Nature Reserve; ParkCare Coordinators' News; Hazard Reduction Burns; Successful Clean Up Australia Day at The Pinnacle
Jan 2015 Update #14
[ pdf 122 kB]
Weed Control; Review of Spring Events; Proposed Autumn Panting
Aug 2014 Newsletter #6
[ html]
Autumn at the Pinnacle - Alison Milton
April Bird Walk Report - John Brannan and Alison Milton
Indigenous Heritage Walk Report - Elizabeth Smith
European Heritage Walk Report - Craig Wainwright
Jun 2014 Update #13
[ pdf 69 kB]
Review of Autumn Events and walks (including Indigenous Heritage Walk, European Heritage Walk, Briar Replacement Planting in Bottom Pinnacle and Kangaroo Count); Weed Control
Mar 2014 Update #12
[ pdf 66 kB]
Proposed Briar Replacement Planting; Weed Control; Proposed Hazard Reduction Burns; Proposed Autumn Walks Program
Dec 2013 Update #11
[ pdf 243 kB]
Expenditure review for the Parks and Conservation Service; Spring Walks Program Review; Joint ParkCare Display at Jamison Centre; Small Planting adjacent to the Forest block; Vegwatch (Biodiversity Monitoring) Program; Walking Track Upgrades; Rare Plant Survey of the Pinnacle; Postponement of Hazard Reduction Burns; Weed Control
Nov 2012 Update #10
[ pdf 129 kB]
September Planting/Woodland Restoration Strategy; Erosion control works in the Bottom Pinnacle; 2012 Kangaroo Survey; Rabbit Warren Treatments; Spring Walks Program; Bushfire Operation Plan Meeting; Briar Rose Replacement Program; Tree-cutting & Firewood Gathering in the Reserve; the 2012-13 Weeding Season
Jun 2012 Update #9
[ pdf 91 kB]
The 2011-12 Weeding Season; the Belconnen Hills Woodlands Strategy; Re mediation of ripped rabbit warrens (and planned mapping in August); Proposed Kangaroo Survey; Erosion control activities in Bottom Pinnacle; our July AGM
Mar 2012 Update #8
[ pdf 110 kB]
Erosion control; Presentation at the ACT Weed Forum; Next kangaroo count; Autumn Walks program; July AGM .
Feb 2012 Update #7
[ pdf 85 kB]
Belconnen Hills Woodlands Strategy; Erosion control; Fotpin Grass Project; Biodiversity monitoring
Dec 2012 Christmas Message
[ pdf 22 kB]
Jul 2011 Update #6
[ pdf 67 kB]
Committee meetings; Native grass restoration project; Fotpin website; Weed control, effort tracking and monitoring; Pilot revegetation project; Advocacy; ACT Woodlands Strategy; Bird monitoring; Interaction with Canberra Institute of Technology; Community Service Order workers; Kangaroos and rabbits; Training; Our Guided Walks and Spring Program; Erosion mapping and assessment; Promoting our projects; Newsletters and updates; Equestrians
Jun 2011 Newsletter #5
[ pdf 621 kB]
The First fotpin Kangaroo Count - Warren Bond
The Grass Project (Defeating the Weed Menace Update) - Don Driscoll
What's on the Horizon for fotpin - Pax
Where the Birds are - John Brannan
Apr 2011 Update #5
[ pdf 82 kB]
Monthly and seasonal guided walks; Our kangaroo survey; Pinnacle planting project; Leadership on the scything front; Progress with the Weed Plan; Fotpin’s grass project; CIT student program; Proposed fotpin CSO program; Rabbit monitoring and control; North Kama and Bottom Pinnacle; The land and water conservation project; Management rules; Fotpin’s website; NRM Chair’s visit
Mar 2011 Newsletter #4
[ pdf 659 kB]
The Australia Day Weed-off and BBQ - Heather Burness
Weed Management - Warren Bond
Initial Weed Menace Survey Report - Don Driscoll
The Fences - Don Driscoll
fotpin Kangaroo Rescue - Don Driscoll
A Tale of Frogmouths - John Brannan
Jan 2011 Update #4
[ pdf 30 kB]
The Native Grass Restoration Project; Committee meetings, our Rules, and the 2011 AGM; Pinnacle Environment Education Program; Extending the Pinnacle Nature Reserve; Tracks, trails and horses; Fotpin Australia Day BBQ; Working with Parks; The Weetangera Primary School Fete and future fetes; What has the wet spring/summer meant to us?; Fotpin data and mapping; The Chief Minister’s Woodland Restoration plan; Community service orders; Guided walks – monthly and seasonal; Brochures and interpretive materials; Recording weeding effort
Dec 2010 Newsletter #3
[ pdf 613 kB]
Defeating the Weed Menace - Don Driscoll
Introducing the fotpin Website - Warren Bond
Recording What's Happened Before - fotpin Archives - Mark Hallam
The Pinnacle: Nature Park or Theme Park - Pax
Sep 2010 Newsletter #2
[ pdf 412 kB]
Friends of Grasslands Kama Woodlands Tour - Don Driscoll
Preparing for Spring - Rosemary Blemings
Spring Bird Report - John Brannan
Saving our Soils - Pax
Monitoring Rabbit Activity - Pax
Aug 2010 Update #3
[ pdf 73 kB]

Committee meetings and outcomes; the Weed Plan; Land and water conservation; Rabbits; Membership and OH&S issues; Review of our management rules and our future first AGM; Our field activities; FOTPIN priorities for spring, and how you would like to be involved?
Jun 2010 Newsletter #1
[ pdf 361 kB]
Launch of the fotpin Weed Plan - Pax
Bird Monitoring on The Pinnacle - John Brannan
Kangaroos and Soil Erosion - David Tongway
Rabbit Warren Mapping - Gilbert Hughes
Apr 2010 Update #2
[ pdf 34 kB]
Launch of our draft Community Weed Management Plan; Mapping of potential Pink Tail Worm Lizard habitat; the Case for a fotpin Committee; Natural Temperate Grassland on The Pinnacle; the Rabbit plan; ChemCert requirements; liaising with the Belconnen Community Council
Mar 2010 Update #1
[ pdf 61 kB]
The need for regular newsletters; ACT Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment; Weeding group schedules; draft Weed Plan; Rabbit warren mapping; Pinnacle photography; Weed spraying; surveying the Pinnacle for Pink Tailed Worm Lizards and their habitat

© Friends of The Pinnacle