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Confirmed sightings of 122 different bird species have been made in The Pinnacle Nature Reserve since 2006 ,including 117 native species. This represents about 50% of all bird species that have been observed in the whole ACT. It includes 4 species listed as vulnerable in the ACT, and a number of others whose populations are declining and of concern.

This web page contains a list of these birds together with, where possible, links to images bird, calls calls and information info about them. Because many of the links point to external websites, please report broken links to the webmaster.

using this page birds and bird groups complete bird list acknowledgements


Birds and Bird Groups (alphabetical)

Water Birds
Ducks Grebes, Darters Herons Ibis  
Other Native Birds
Apostlebird Babblers Bee-eater Bowerbird Boobook
Butcherbirds Chough Cockatoos Cuckoos Cuckoo-shrikes
Currawongs Dollarbird Eagles Fairy Wren Falcon
Fantails Finches Flycatchers Friarbird Frogmouth
Galah Gerygones Hawks Hobby Honeyeaters
Kestrel Kingfisher Kites Koel Kookaburra
Lorikeet Magpie Magpie-lark Martins Miner
Mistletoebird Nightjar Nocturnal Birds Old World Warblers Oriole
Owlet-nightjar Pardalotes Parrots Pigeons Quail
Raptors Ravens Robins Rosellas Scrubwrens
Silvereye Sittella Speckled Warbler Spinebill Swallows
Swifts Tawny Frogmouth Thornbills Treecreepers Triller
Wagtail Warbler Weebill Whistlers Whiteface
Introduced Birds
European Goldfinch House Sparrow Thrushes and Starlings    


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Name Comments links
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Brown Quail

Very occasional visitor. Usually flushed from deep grass.

bird call info

Stubble Quail

Very occasional visitor.

Ducks and Swans birds    


Very occasional visitor

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Pacific Black Duck

Common visitor. Usually seen on the dam.

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Grey Teal

Very occasional visitor

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Australian Wood Duck

Common visitor year-round. Often nests in tree hollows near the dam.

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Grebes, Darters and Cormorants birds    

Australasian Grebe

Occasional visitor to the dam

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Australasian Darter

Occasional visitor overflying

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Great Cormorant

Occasional visitor to the dam


Little Black Cormorant

Occasional visitor to the dam


Little Pied Cormorant

Occasional visitor to the dam

Pelican, Egrets, Herons, Ibis, Spoonbills & Storks birds    

White-faced Heron

Occasionally overflying, or near the dam.

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Nankeen Night-Heron

Rare visitor

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Straw-necked Ibis

Occasional visitor

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Raptors birds    

Black-shouldered Kite

Occasional visitor. Has nested in the reserve in the past.

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Whistling Kite

Very occasional visitor.

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Brown Goshawk

Regular visitor, breeds in the vicinity.

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Collared Sparrowhawk

Frequent visitor.

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Wedge-tailed Eagle

Often visible cruising overhead, over the Molonglo valley or perched along the SW border.

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Little Eagle

Occasional visitor. Listed as vulnerable in the ACT.

bird call info

Nankeen Kestrel

Frequent visitor. Perhaps resident in farmland SW of the reserve.

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Australian Hobby

Occasional visitor.

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Peregrine Falcon

Occasional visitor.

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Painted button-quail

Very occasional visitor.

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Pigeons and Doves birds    

Common Bronzewing

Resident (breeding) in limited numbers throughout the Pinnacle reserve.

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Crested Pigeon

Very common resident. Mostly close to the suburbs.

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Cockatoos birds    

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

Very common resident (breeding).

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Very common resident (breeding).

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Gang-gang Cockatoo

Occasional visitor.

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Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo

Occasional visitor.

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Little Corella Occasional visitor. bird   info
Parrots birds    

Rainbow Lorikeet

Common resident (breeding), mostly towards the Hawker end of the reserve.

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Purple-crowned Lorikeet

Rare visitor


Australian King-Parrot

Occasional visitor from the suburbs.

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Superb Parrot

Migratory visitor. May be seen flying over the reserve in Summer. Declared as vulnerable in the ACT.

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Crimson Rosella

Very common resident (breeding).

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Eastern Rosella

Very common resident (breeding).

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Red-rumped Parrot

Common resident.

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Cuckoos birds    

Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo

Regular spring/summer visitor (breeding). Usually seen in woodland/forest areas.

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Channel-billed Cuckoo

Very occasional visitor


Shining Bronze-Cuckoo

Occasional spring/summer visitor. Usually seen in woodland/forest areas.

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Pallid Cuckoo

Regular spring/summer visitor. Usually seen perched in open woodland.

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Fan-tailed Cuckoo

Occasional spring/summer visitor.

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Eastern Koel

Regular spring/summer visitor.

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Nocturnal Birds birds    

Tawny Frogmouth

Several resident (breeding) pairs. Nocturnal.

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Australian Owlet-nightjar

Resident but rarely seen. Nocturnal, prefers woodland/forest.

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Southern Boobook

Occasional nocturnal visitor.

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Kookaburra, Kingfishers, Bee-eater & Dollardbird birds    

Laughing Kookaburra

Common resident (breeding).

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Sacred Kingfisher

Regular visitor in spring.

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Rainbow Bee-eater

Occasional visitor in spring/summer.

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Regular visitor in spring/summer.

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Treecreepers birds    

White-throated Treecreeper

Common resident (breeding) in woodland/forest areas.

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Superb Fairy-wren

Common resident (breeding) found in dense shrubs throughout the reserve.

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Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills, Pardalotes & allied birds birds    

Speckled Warbler

Uncommon resident (breeding). Listed by COG as declining in the ACT.

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Common resident (breeding).

bird call info
White-browed Scrubwren Uncommon resident bird   info

Western Gerygone

Very occasional visitor.

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White-throated Gerygone

Regular visitor in spring/summer.

bird call info

Striated Thornbill

Common resident (breeding). Mostly found in woodland/forest areas.

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Yellow Thornbill

Uncommon resident (breeding). Found in woodland with acacia groves.

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Yellow-rumped Thornbill

Very common resident (breeding). Prefers open woodland and grassy areas.

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Buff-rumped Thornbill

Very common resident (breeding). Prefers woodland areas.

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Brown Thornbill

Common resident (breeding). Usually found in dense shrubs/woodland.

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Southern Whiteface

Uncommon resident. Likes grassland and open woodland. Listed by COG as a bird of concern in the ACT.

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Spotted Pardalote

Very common visitor almost all year round.

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Striated Pardalote

Common resident (breeding); also some migratory movement through the reserve.

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Honeyeaters birds    

Eastern Spinebill

Common resident/visitor. Usually found in or near suburban gardens.

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Yellow-faced Honeyeater

Migratory visitor. Large numbers sometimes visible during spring and autumn migration.

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White-eared Honeyeater

Regular seasonal visitor between autumn and spring. Found in woodland areas.

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Yellow-tufted Honeyeater

Very occasional migratory visitor in spring or autumn.

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Fuscous Honeyeater

Regular seasonal visitor between autumn and spring. Some also resident.

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White-plumed Honeyeater

Resident in low numbers.

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Noisy Miner

Small resident (breeding) population near the dam.

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Red Wattlebird

Very common resident (breeding) found throughout the reserve.

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Brown-headed Honeyeater

Resident (breeding) in small numbers. Migrating birds also visit.

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White-naped Honeyeater

Migratory visitor. Usually seen during spring and autumn migration.

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Noisy Friarbird

Spring/summer visitor (breeding).

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Robins birds    

Scarlet Robin

Frequent winter visitor to woodland areas. Occasionally stays to nest. Declared a vulnerable species in the ACT in May 2015.

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Red-capped Robin

Very occasional visitor.

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Flame Robin

Occasional winter visitor to grassland areas along the SW edge of the reserve.

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Pink Robin

Rare, non-breeding winter migrant. Declared a vulnerable species in NSW.

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Rose Robin

Occasional winter visitor in woodland areas.

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Eastern Yellow Robin

Very occasional visitor.

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Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers birds    

Varied Sittella

Uncommon resident (breeding). Listed as vulnerable in the ACT.

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Golden Whistler

Common visitor from autumn through to spring.

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Rufous Whistler

Summer migrant (breeding). Loud, musical call often heard in spring.

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Grey Shrike-thrush

Uncommon resident.

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Grey Fantail

Common visitor (breeding) in spring through to autumn, mostly in woodland/forest areas.

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Rufous Fantail

Uncommon, breeding summer migrant.


Willie Wagtail

Very common resident (breeding).

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Leaden Flycatcher

Regular visitor (breeding) in spring/summer. Small numbers nest regularly in the reserve.

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Satin Flycatcher

Very occasional visitor in spring or autumn.

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Restless Flycatcher

Very occasional visitor in spring or autumn.

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Common resident (breeding).

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Cuckoo-shrikes & Oriole birds    

Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike

Regular visitor (breeding) in spring/summer.

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White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike

Rare, non-breeding autumn migrant.


White-winged Triller

Regular visitor (breeding) in spring/summer. Generally seen in woodland/forest. Listed as vulnerable in the ACT.

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Olive-backed Oriole

Occasional visitor, generally seen passing through in spring and autumn.

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Woodswallows, Butcherbirds, Currawongs & Magpie birds    

Masked Woodswallow

Very occasional visitor.

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White-browed Woodswallow

Very occasional visitor.

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Dusky Woodswallow

Common visitor (breeding) in spring/summer. Nests in dense woodland areas.

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Grey Butcherbird

Occasional visitor in spring/summer.

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Australian Magpie

Very common resident (breeding).

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Pied Currawong

Very common resident (breeding).

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Grey Currawong

Uncommon resident (breeding).

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Bowerbird, Ravens, Chough & Apostlebird birds    

Satin Bowerbird

Occasional visitor from the suburbs.

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Australian Raven

Common resident (breeding).

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Little Raven

Very occasional visitor

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White-winged Chough

Several groups resident (breeding) in the Pinnacle reserve.

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Finches birds    

Double-barred Finch

Very occasional visitor to grassy areas. (Formerly resident.)

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Red-browed Finch

Occasional visitor to grassy areas in spring and autumn.

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Diamond Firetail

Occasional visitor to grassy areas. Listed by COG as declining in the ACT.

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Mistletoebird (Flowerpeckers) birds    


Rare summer visitor.

Swifts birds    

White-throated Needletail

Uncommon, non-breeding summer migrant.

Swallows and Martins birds    

Welcome Swallow

Common spring/summer visitor.

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Tree Martin

Occasional spring/summer visitor.

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Fairy Martin   bird   info
Old World Warblers birds    

Rufous Songlark

Occasional summer visitor in woodland areas.

bird call  


Common resident found in areas near the suburbs.

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Introduced birds
Finches birds    

House Sparrow

Common resident found in areas near the suburbs.

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European Goldfinch

Occasional visitor to grassy areas in spring and autumn.

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Thrushes and Starlings birds    

Common Blackbird

Occasional visitorĀ  - resident in houses adjacent to the reserve.

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Common Starling

Very common resident (breeding).

bird call info

Common (Indian) Myna

Common resident (breeding).

bird call info


using this page birds and bird groups complete bird list acknowledgements


Using this page

This page can be considered a local Pinnacle portal to information on the website of the Canberra Ornithologists Group (COG). The birds are grouped and ordered according to the scheme used by COG, and wherever possible links are made to their extensive web pages.

There are two main tables on this page:

  1. An alphabetical index of Birds and Bird Groups to help you find what you're looking for in table b
  2. A full list of the birds that have been sighted on The Pinnacle Nature Reserve, grouped and ordered to conform with the listings on the COG website

If you are looking for a particular bird or bird type by name, start with the alphabetical Birds and Bird Groups list and click on the name you want. This will take you to the appropriate taxonomic grouping in the full list further down the page which has relevant links to the COG webpages.

Alternatively you can use your web browser's "find in page" tool to search for a bird on this page in the full list.

The list includes links to locally taken images on the COG website, both for groups of birds and individual species, and to information pages on the COG website for each species where they are available. The list also includes links to bird calls for most birds, either to the COG website, or when they are not available there to other recordings. These recordings were largely sourced from COG, and were supplemented when possible by recordings downloaded from the world wide web.


using this page birds and bird groups complete bird list acknowledgements



Thanks to our Pinnacle bird watchers, notably Barbara and John, for compiling this list and keeping it up to date.

We are grateful to the Canberra Ornithologists Group for making available on their website the excellent image galleries, information pages and bird calls for most bird species.

Thanks also to the sources of the other bird calls used on this site, the origins of which are often uncertain.


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© Friends of The Pinnacle