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23 native species of true bugstooltip local to the area have been found observed on the Pinnacle Nature Reserve.

Photos below were taken on the Reserve by Alison Milton

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click images to enlarge tap images to enlarge Scientific name   [Common name]
Eucalyptus tip bug
Amorbus alternatus [Eucalyptus tip bug]
Agonoscelis rutila   [Horehound bug]
Amorbus alternatus   [Eucalyptus tip bug]
Amorbus sp.(genus)   [Tip bug] (3 different unidentified species)
Choerocoris paganus   [Ground shield bug]
Cuspicona simplex   [Green potato bug]
Dictyotus caenosus   [Brown Shield bug]
Germalus victoriae   [A Seed bug]
Gminatus australis   [Orange Assassin bug]
Lygaeidae sp. (family)   [A Seed bug]
Miridae sp. (family)   [Unidentified Plant bug]
Mutusca brevicornis   [A Broad-headed bug]
Green stink bug
cirrhoe unimaculata [Green stink bug]
Ocirrhoe unimaculata   [Green stink bug]
Oechalia schellenbergii   [Spined predatory shield bug]
Oncocoris sp. (genus)   [A stink bug]
Poecilometis strigatus   [Gum tree shield bug]
Pristhesancus plagipennis   [Bee assassin bug]
Rayieria acaciae   [Acacia-spotting bug]
Rayieria basifer   [Braconid-mimic plant bug]
Tenagogerris euphrosyne   [Water Strider]
Theseus modestus   [Gum tree shield bug]
Orange assassin bug
Gminatus australis [Orange assassin bug]
Acacia spotting bug
Rayieria acaciae [Acacia spotting bug]


For more photos from the Pinnacle and elsewhere in the ACT, follow these links to NatureMapr

tooltip True bugs belong to the insect Order Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Some iInsects from other taxonomic groupings are colloquially called "bugs" but are listed elsewhere according to their taxonomy..