Friends of The Pinnacle   mosses, lichens, liverworts, etc
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The following is a list of 18 species of mosses, lichens and liverworts observed on the Pinnacle Nature Reserve. It includes both those positively identified to the exact species as well as those incompletely identified.

All species are native to the area.

Photos below were taken on the Reserve by Alison Milton


Common name Scientific name hover over image to see name
click to enlarge
A charophyte green algae Chara sp.  
A lichen Cladia corallaizon Parmeliaceae lichen
A lichen Cladia sp.
Cup lichen Cladonia (genus) 2 species
A moss Grimmia sp.
A crustose lichen Lichen - crustose
Yellow navel Lichenomphalia chromacea
A lichen family Parmeliaceae
A moss family Polytrichaceae
Map lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum
A liverwort Riccia cartilaginosa
A liverwort Riccia inflexa
A liverwort Riccia spongiosula
A moss Rosulabryum sp.
A trailing moss Triquetrella
Bearded lichen Usnea sp.  
Polytrichaceae moss Rhizocarpon geographicum [Map lichen]


For more photos of mosses, lichens and liverworts found on the Pinnacle,
follow this link to the Canberra Nature Map:

© Friends of The Pinnacle